Category Archives: Promoreel Story

Halftime Show Showdown!

Halftime Show Showdown!

We want you to vote on what halftime show performance you think is the BEST ever! We’ve narrowed it down to the top 32 performances and need your vote to determine who the winner is! Did you think Prince’s 2007 show was the best? or maybe Dr. Dre in 2022? Possibly Beyoncé featuring Destiny’s Child in…MORE

Friday Night Vibe

Friday Night Vibe

Every Friday Night We bring the party to you so your can work off the weekdays! Catch Ern Dollaz and Dwayne Chavez host a 4 hour mixshow from 6p – 10p. With DJ Red, Glenn Aure, Dwayne Chavez and Ern Dollaz in the mix, you know it’s about to be a vibe! Want to request a…MORE

Perform at the 4th Ave Spring Street Fair

Perform at the 4th Ave Spring Street Fair

Fourth Avenue Merchants Association has teamed up with The Vibe in a search for the best performers in town to perform at the 54th Annual Spring Street Fair, March 24-26, 2023.   There are 30 spots up for grabs!  To apply, email a video or MP4 to [email protected].  Applications close February 10th and the performers will be…MORE

Vibe at 5

Vibe at 5

Tune in to Ern Dollaz for the Vibe at 5  Weekdays at 5pm  Turn up to your favorite classic hip hop jams for your ride homeMORE

97-5 The Vibe | Meet Our Local Personalities

D-Wayne Chavez | Monday – Friday 5a-10a, Sundays 2p-6p Born and raised in Tucson, AZ, D-Wayne Chavez began his radio career in the late 90’s. A graduate of Cholla High School, D-Wayne has been a big part of the Tucson community.  D-Wayne loves music, and when not on air, you can find him on social…MORE

Listen to 97-5 The Vibe on your Smart Speaker!

Listen to 97-5 The Vibe on your Smart Speaker!

  Got a smart speaker? You can listen to The Vibe on it – here’s how! For Amazon smart speakers like the Echo or Dot (Alexa), first you need to enable our Skill. Here are easy ways you can do that: Say, “Alexa, enable the ninety seven point five the vibe skill” or Click here to enable the skill…MORE

VIBE Text Club

VIBE Text Club

Text VIBE to 68255 to join the 97-5 The Vibe Text Club today! Receive access to exclusive contests, concert updates, and much more!MORE
